Fact-Checking Policy

At maiyasammanyojana.online, we are dedicated to sharing accurate and trustworthy information with our readers. Our fact-checking process ensures the quality and reliability of our content, and we aim to correct any errors as soon as they are found.

How We Verify Information

Before we publish any content, our team carefully checks facts by cross-referencing multiple credible sources. We prioritize information from primary sources, like official statements or data from authoritative organizations. When primary sources aren’t available, we clearly explain how the information was verified.

Making Corrections

If we discover errors after publishing, we correct them promptly. These corrections are clearly marked at the start or end of the article, explaining the mistake and the change.


We are open about our fact-checking methods. Readers are welcome to reach out with questions or feedback about the accuracy of our content, and we’re committed to responding promptly.

Fair and Unbiased

Our fact-checking process is impartial and non-partisan. We present information without bias and uphold the principles of journalistic integrity.

Reader Requests

We encourage readers to report any suspected inaccuracies in our articles, providing supporting details and sources if possible. Our team will investigate and address any necessary corrections.

Editorial Independence

Our editorial process is independent and free from outside influence, including advertisers and sponsors, so our content remains fair and factual.

Continuous Improvement

We strive to improve our fact-checking practices and keep our team updated on the latest standards in journalism.

At maiyasammanyojana.online, we are committed to transparency and responsible journalism, always working to bring you accurate information.